29 Paramount Drive, Henderson, Auckland 0610
09 835 0913

Battery Operated Parcans (uplights)

LED Parcan Quick Start Guide

Our LED Battery Operated Parcans or Uplights are highly popular and easy to install lighting for a range of operations. With highly customisable options and settings to create the perfect atmosphere for your event.

Main menu key definitions

Menu: Main menu function selection/exit sub-menu
UP: Move up in selection or increase parameter
Down: Move down in selection or decrease parameter
Enter: Next or Confirm Selected function.


Parcan uplight battery Operated
Choose Pattern Menu

Most options for setting colours or themes can be accessed via the Choose Pattern menu.

Using the “up”, “Down” & “Enter” keys select the men option “Choose Pattern” and press “Enter”

(note: you can use the menu key to exit any sub menus that the device may be in on start-up)


From the Choose Pattern Screen You have access to the 4 main options for setting colours or themes. From here you can access the Options:

  • Static – this is where you can fine tune your exact colour. By adjusting each individual colour value of Red, Blue, Green, White. You can set each value from 0 – 256.
  • Macro – Where you can easily select from 32 different pre-loaded colour options. Most options required can be found in this menu without having to manually.
  • Show –  This is where you can find fade, Cycle, and Strobe options.
  • Sound – This si where you can set and adjust sound activated options.
To select a pre-set colour (Macro):
  • From the “Choose Pattern” menu, scroll to the Setting called “Macro” by using the “Enter” key.
  • Once Macro is selected, you can use the “Up” and “Down” keys to select one of the 32 predefined colour options already set into memory.
  • Just press the up and down button to cycle through the various colour options. The macros 1 – 9 can also easily be selected via the inferred remote,
  •  The Colours assigned to macros 1 – 9 are:

 1: Red
Ultra Violet

To Select an Animation option like fade or strobe:

  • From the “Choose Pattern” menu, Scroll to the Setting called “Show” by using the “Enter” key.
  • In the Show menu there is 7 selectable menu items; Press the enter key to cycle through the options. And the up and down buttons to adjust the speed in which the animation takes place.
  • Auto: Short animation of a predefined set of colours that it cycles through.
    Fade: Fade is where the full range of colours cycles through but fades into each other as it changes.
  • Snap: Is where it cycles through a predefined set of colours. However, the colour changes happen where the light turns on then fades away, then the next light turns on and fades away, it continues this cycle through the complete range of colours then restarts.
  • R-Strobe: Is a Red LED with a white strobe light that pulses, you can adjust the speed.
  • G-Strobe: Is a Green LED with a white strobe light that pulses, you can adjust the speed.
  • B-Strobe: Is a Blue LED with a white strobe light that pulses, you can adjust the speed.
  • A-Strobe: Is a Amber LED with a white strobe light that pulses, you can adjust the speed.

To Select a Sound Activated option:

  • From the “Choose Pattern” menu, scroll to the Setting called “Sound” by using the “Enter” key.
  • The sound menu option has 3 predefined sound activation options, where the LEDs will change/pulse to the beat of music. Press the enter button to scroll through the options and the up and down buttons to adjust the sensitivity.
  • A microphone is located on the front of the up light. And this is what is used to pick up the music or sounds to activate it.