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What do you have to do?

May 7, 2015, Written by 0 comment

Not everyone understands exactly what is needed for us to build you a website. And sometimes it can be hard for some people to give you a clear answer, this is becasue most web designers have access to a network of services, Photography (stock or freelance), Graphic Designers, Content Writers so the less you provide them the more they can charge.

We work in reverse, were happy to engage with our amazing network of freelance agents. However ive found the site will capture the essence of your business or content better if you controll the images and the content writing yourself.

We will sit down in our first meeting with you and discuss the pages required, once we create your website proposed layout and sitemap. From there we will list out all the pages, the most optimal content required for that page as well as the best images to source.

We are here to help guide you. We can send you to some fantastic resources where you can find stock photography that can be used in your website. NOTE: you have to pay for this, images are not free and copying images will only hurt your websites ranking in things like googles search engine. However, many of these sites have a free trial, and you can often download enough images for your website within your trial! that said, they are all very reasonably priced if you consider how important a good image is for your webiste.

We can advise you on what we believe the perfect images should be, and we will ensure your images all meet the correct resolutions and color settings.

Once we have outlined your websites proposed layout and pages you will then be required to provide

  • Content in a digital format (word, google docs) for each page we have listed as required.
  • Any images you would like to be included on the website
  • Terms and Conditions for your website
  • Any other legal documentation required to be added (privacy policy, shopping policy, return policy, etc)

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